Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chuck Waggin' Tails - Day 1 & 2

Dave n' Koichi here... after 2 days of being incommunicado, we're back on the road and back online. A typical day for the chuck wagon has been to wake up at 5am..., coffee on at 5:30 for the big kids, feed the kids, shop for food, cook for the kids, feed the kids, put 'em to sleep and then clean up and plan for the next day.

Another daily ritual has become the unpacking and packing of the 9 coolers, 12 plastic bins, 2 burners and 10 tents. Thanks to Julie (Gadget-Gurl) McCann's miraculous and meticulous labeling we have been able to find stuff, but it seems to never fail that when you need something in particular it's always on the bottom of the stack.

The initial feel is that we over-prepared ourselves for this trip by stocking up on what we thought were the "essentials"...pots, pans, stoves and lots of food from costco. What we learned on Day 1 was that we could shop along the way and be more efficient. Especially, if it's some of the fresh produce, dairy and eggs we've seen being grown along the way.

Anyways back to work...after we send the bus off, Dave and I are left behind to do breakfast clean up, sweep the area for lost items, pack up the van (9 coolers and 12 bins) and check out. It's a little tasking and I would not recommend the job to anyone, but we do get help along the way (big hands and little hands), but knowing that the kids are being cared for while in camp is all that matters....and is rewarding.

I'm tryin' to upload video...but coverage on i-90 on our way out to Vnatage is still spotty....maybe later...

That's all for now...I'll have more tonight...

1 comment:

  1. hah! was wondering where you were. that was a long time to be quiet....
